Saturday 31 March 2012

Plain White Tee

The plain white tee should be a staple in eveyone's closet...and this beauty shows us exactly how to wear it. It looks crisp and new and must fit well (this does require a good bra ladies!). Pair this with a simple pair of well-cut trousers, jeans or skirt and you've got a look that's a winner every time.


Friday 30 March 2012

Sting Like A Bee

Muhammad Ali was famous not only for his unrivalled prowess in the ring but also for his dark suits, white shirts, narrow ties and buffed shoes. Most people would be more familiar with "dance like a butterfly, sting like a bee" than my favourite of his that goes something like this...

I don't follow fashion so much as try to find clothes that make me look good, because that never goes out of style.


Thursday 29 March 2012

Fabulous Little Frock

This is such a great photo, I adore this little frock and the girl is beautiful. But, if you're familiar with the term 'mutton dressed as lamb' I'm sure you'll agree that no matter how much anyone over 20 loves this dress they really should not wear it.

Now don't get me wrong, this was not a snap decision, nor was it an easy one to make. I've been pondering this for a while now, trying to come up with any situation where it would not look ridiculous on a very stylish (if I do say so myself) 40 something woman. I could only come up with three.

1. Halloween Party
2. Square Dance
3. My Bedroom


Wednesday 28 March 2012

Authentic Style

Does style require authenticity? Can you copy style or does it need to be your own? How do you own a style? Is it finite? What makes it yours? And..what is style beyond the physical? Is it only about someone's physical appearance? I believe that you can get ideas from others about what you like (or what you don't like is just as important)but it is necessary for style to be individual...authentic if you like. Many of us put our own 'spin' on classic looks like Audrey but we would never be able to re-create it...nor should we try. Great style is being stylish rather than having style (a wise friend of mine said this once). What do you think? Kiki

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Both Feet

Today I jump in with 'both feet' and take the next step in my journey.

I want to try and capture how I see the world, what style means to me, not fashion, or trends or what's cool....but STYLE. It can't be easily defined and it's so very personal. Sometimes I love it, sometimes I don't like it at all, but I can't deny it, style is the essence of some people's very being.

So, join me in my journey and share style, the good, the bad...and the ugly!

Let the journey begin.
