Wednesday 30 May 2012

An Ode To Can

There's a four lettered word
As offensive as any
It holds back the flow
Puts a stop to the many.

You can't climb that mountain
You can't cross the sea
You can't become anything you want to be.

He can't hit a century
They can't find a cure.
She can't think about leaving
or searching for more.

Because can't is a word with a habit of stopping
The ebb and flow of ideas
It keeps dropping itself where we know
in our hearts it's not needed.
And saying "don't go"
when we could have succeeded.

But those four little letters
That end with a T
They can change in an instant
When shortened to three.

We can take off the T
We can do it today
We can move forward not back
We can find our own way.

We can build we can run
We can follow the sun
We can push we can pull
We can say I'm someone
Who refuses to believe
That life can't be better
With the removal of one
Insignificant letter.


Monday 28 May 2012

Coloured Jeans

I have been dragged kicking and screaming into the coloured jeans fad but am now a true convert. I love them.

I started with a tan pair late last year, then there was a lovely white pair last Christmas, and my most recent are a cheap and cheerful pair of red ones. Orange has recently caught my eye and I've tried a few pairs on, but I am just not sure how long it's going to last. I am worried about buying another pair only to wear them a few times before that dreaded realisation that your fav pair of jeans are just not cool!

I might just save my pennies for my holiday ;)


Friday 25 May 2012

Gelato Style

You may know that I'm going on my very first trip to Italy soon, and one of the many things I'm looking forward to guessed it...GELATO!

I really love icecream, but rumour has it that until you've tasted italian icecream (aka gelato), you haven't lived. Really? I cannot imagine how it could get any better.

To date, i.e. before my first italian icecream, my favourite flavour is chocolate. Is that boring? Will I come back a changed woman? Will I fall in love with a new flavour? I've heard pistachio is to die for, and pear sounds intriguing, maybe caffe or some other crazy Italian flavour will take my fancy?


Wednesday 23 May 2012

Hair Extensions

So...what's your opinion on hair extensions?

I have seen some serious shockers lately, as I'm sure you have. If you look closely at the crown of the head you can often spot the evidence, and it's not pretty. A couple of times I actually saw the clip barely hanging on to the hair...yikes!

I have fine hair, and not a lot of it so I have to work hard and use a lot of products to get close to the look I want. I have always coveted long, luscious locks and now (if I could bring myself to spend the money) I too could have Jennifer Aniston or Megan Fox hair! Nothing else...just the hair.

Maybe one day, or maybe hair extensions will go out of style by the time I muster up the courage.


Monday 21 May 2012

Hermes Scarf

My wonderful husband bought me a beautiful Hermes scarf which I love, but it wasn't getting much wear which made me very sad :(

Until I discovered a great way of tying it to my handbag. Doesn't this look gorgeous?

Now I get to wear it every day, and it totally glams up my bag. Happy days!


Friday 18 May 2012

Sunny Style

Do you love sunnies? Do you have one pair for all occasions or are you a bit more like Bono and never seem to wear the same pair twice?

I am only just starting to realise sunglasses are a great fashion accessory, and they can really complete a 'look'. Of course there are the usual sports ones for cycling or fishing (not really my cup of tea but apparently the polarised lenses really help) but who knew that there are also a whole plethora of styles, shapes, colours and sizes?

I really like these cat eye shaped ones although I find it quite difficult to find ones that suit me. When the top doesn't go to my eyebrows it looks silly, and my nose is quite narrow so they often slide own, and I look like a perv in the mirrored ones...

Personal challenge: buy a pair of funky sunnies under $20 this week that I love.


Wednesday 16 May 2012

Aging with Style

Can an 'older' fellow be just as cool as a young, hip guy?

I say ABSOLUTELY...this gentleman looks great and has a certain something that can only come with life experience. He looks so comfortable in his own skin that you just can't help but love it.

Do you feel free-er to do, be, look, you have aged? I sure have become much more confident as my birthdays have passed and I wouldn't trade that for youth that's for sure!


Monday 14 May 2012

Irregular Choice

OMG, I have just discovered Irregular Choice...a totally awesome online shop for the funkiest shoes, handbags and accessories.

These little beauties are called Flick Flack and I love them. They are so much fun, not too high and are only 65 euros...happy days!

Have a look at the website and tell me you don't love them too!


Thursday 10 May 2012

Cardigan Style

I have a little 'thing' about a man in a cardi. Some people, my hubby included, think they're not very manly, but I totally disagree. A nice cardi like the one in this photo is well fitted, a lovely inviting colour and oh so sexy.

Keep in mind that not all men can pull it off quite as well as McDreamy here, but I reckon every man should give it a red hot go!


Tuesday 8 May 2012

Sum of the parts

I would never wear a shirt that wasn't ironed or properly tucked in. I can't imagine wearing elastic waisted trousers now I'm an adult. The glittery plastic handbag is bordering on tacky...but I just can't stop staring at this photo.

How does this happen? How can all the separate parts be so bad, but together are totally awesome?

If you know the answer I would love to hear your theory.


Saturday 5 May 2012

What You Don't See

I've been thinking about lingerie lately (probably not the only one eh boys?) and the things that others don't see that complete an ensemble. I always feel that little bit more 'together' or 'styled' when the entire outfit matches. You know that feeling when you're wearing a great dress or trousers or whatever but YOU know that underneath is a pair of 2004 grannie panties? They're so old you can't even remember the original colour? The elastic is virtually non-existant and you would be so emberrassed if anyone ever saw know what I'm talking about!

A girl needs great lingerie, even if it's only one or two sets. Over the years I have learned the value and lift (pun intended) it gives me when I wear it. Even though no one can see it (except the one I share my bedroom with) it feels and looks great, it completes an outfit.


Wednesday 2 May 2012

Rockin' 70's Style

Gorgeous swimsuit model Kate Upton rocks 70's style with amazing burnt orange accessories that beautifully match her colouring. I just adore the hat and bag, so simple yet truly glorious!
