Saturday 5 May 2012

What You Don't See

I've been thinking about lingerie lately (probably not the only one eh boys?) and the things that others don't see that complete an ensemble. I always feel that little bit more 'together' or 'styled' when the entire outfit matches. You know that feeling when you're wearing a great dress or trousers or whatever but YOU know that underneath is a pair of 2004 grannie panties? They're so old you can't even remember the original colour? The elastic is virtually non-existant and you would be so emberrassed if anyone ever saw know what I'm talking about!

A girl needs great lingerie, even if it's only one or two sets. Over the years I have learned the value and lift (pun intended) it gives me when I wear it. Even though no one can see it (except the one I share my bedroom with) it feels and looks great, it completes an outfit.


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